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Car Park opposite Ruthin Craft Centre Grid Reference : SJ128586,
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A great route for intermediate riders, but one even the most hardened rider is sure to enjoy! This route starts in the market town of Ruthin with the Clwydian Range as its backdrop. You will make your way to the top of the Clwydian Range – or 450 metres of the way up, to the highest point permissive to mountain bikes. The views from Moel Famau country Park back towards Ruthin and the Vale of Clwyd and beyond to the Carneddau, Snowdonia and the north Wales coast are magnificent on a clear day – a route not to be missed!

How to get here:

Parking is available in and around Ruthin. Most convenient is across the roundabout from Tesco where the A494 meets the A525.

Grid reference SJ128586

Address: Car Park opposite Ruthin Craft Centre Grid Reference : SJ128586
Ride Time (hours): 4
Distance: 30+km
Grade: Blue
Height Climbed (metres): 545
Trail Facilities: Local
OS Map Required: OS Explorer 265
Area: North Wales
Visit Wales Grading: 5*****

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